About Us

One agency delivering brand to blockchain solutions.

Brand to Blockchain

Our team of expert marketers, Web3 and dApp developers, influencers, and creative thinkers deliver the full-service brand to blockchain solution.

We partner with you to push the boundaries on what’s achievable while working as a dedicated team focused on achieving your objectives.

The Mission

Our mission is to provide blockchain products and services to break down barriers and stimulate wider adoption.

Our Values

Our values provide the foundation for all our actions, decisions, and behaviours.



Collaboration is what makes our team successful.

We believe strongly that collaboration brings people closer together and greatly impacts the outcome of any client project.


Continuous learning

We invest in our team to encourage new ideas and growth to benefit not only ourselves but our clients. We believe that sharing knowledge freely encourages new opportunities and engenders trust.


Honesty and Truth.

We believe in being truthful and honest as a means to promote openness with each other and our clients.



Creativity is a continuously evolving force that we wholly embrace and channel to encourage ourselves and clients to think beyond the status quo.

Gluu Projects

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Take a fresh approach with Gluu, developing leading blockchain brands.

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Gluu Agency Services


Building custom scalable web application is our thing. Whether it’s web-based software applications, e-commerce, or business website we can deliver.


Our expertise in blockchain includes DeFi, NFT, dApp, Smart contract and custom applications based on blockchain technology

& Design

Craft obsessed and creatively driven, our team of designers create intuitive, strong brands to set the foundations for successful marketing.

& Compliance

Our team of consultants carry out the highest levels of certification in network automation / implementation and security.

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    If you want to discuss a project or chat through some ideas please call 0330 0430072 or alternatively fill out the contact form below and we'll contact you.